Old Friends
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Monday, April 20, 2020
By Pete Rezac Photography

Inspiration hits all of us at crazy times.  This being a very crazy time in history, it seems only natural that some kind of inspiration would hit me - and it did!  I was given some expired Kodak TriX-400 film from a friend of mine, Joe Giitter, earlier this year while visiting Nebraska.  That generous gift from Joe is where I’m taking some inspiration.  You see this Expired TriX has same look and feel as the TriX material that I learned on not quite a decade before this film’s expiration date.  In fact when I opened the box it still had the black cansister, with cap labeled TX400, and best of all exposure and developing information printed on the interior of the box.  I sure wish they still did that, I realize it was probably a cost savings, but there is a gold mine of information inside that box on various shooting environments and some recommended camera settings!  Who knows maybe those will make a return one day, but I’m super excited that I have a batch of film with it again and will keep it handy!

Since I was feeling nostalgic about this old film that crossed my path, it started me thinking about the journey and love affair I’ve had with the art, science, and craft of photography since first learning it back 25 years ago at Prince William Sound Community College in Valdez, Alaska.  Lots has changed for both of us (photography and me) in those 25 years.  I moved to Reno, met an amazing woman who is now my wife, have 2 amazing kiddos, and dogs, and I found my way into being a small business owner procuring luxury portraiture.  Who knew that would happen?   Then there is what has happened to photography!  I’m not sure even it could have imagined -as if it could imagine - the rocket ride in popularity it would see and the vast changes that were on the horizon with digital cameras, the internet, and finally smart phones!  How those electronic devices almost killed what was so appealing to me, the mistake and learning process.  That’s fodder for another blog post one day in itself.  Anyway the digital revolution was something to be part of, and see the reshaping of the art, science, and craft that I love so much, and to see that some of my old friends like film and film cameras are still relevant and making a come back.

Speaking of old friends since I ran across the old film stash from Joe, it got me thinking I should burn some of it through the camera and lens that set me on this journey.  The good news is I still have access to the camera and lens, although I gave it to my son, but he has other passions and expressions of art at the moment in the form of music and electric guitars!  However, he was kind enough to allow me to borrow my old camera for this little self project I’m about to embark on.  I can’t wait to get started!  I have a title already in mind - so now I just need to go out and produce a body of work to fulfill it!  One camera, one lens, the expired film stock and the light that the environment provides.  

I’ll post updates on here as a process the film and see where the photographs lead me.  Maybe there will be a story they tell, in fact I know there will be a story they will tell because they always do and that puts a little gas on the inspiration fire! 

I hope you are all staying healthy and safe during this historical and extraordinary time we are all in together!

