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Wednesday, April 15, 2020
By Pete Rezac Photography


So it is day whatever of the extraordinary world event we are all participating in dealing with the COVID19 Coronavirus.  You probably have tackled cleaning the garage, cleaning out closets, watched every episode of Tiger King - perhaps twice, figured out how to ration items you may have never thought would need to be rationed - toilet paper!  Perhaps you have found family treasures from last century, like a shoebox full of photos or those old orange negatives!

Well I’ve done much of all of those items too, and it hit me earlier today that I have some skills available to help others and also a way to let you know those skills can provide some value in preserving previous family visual history for you.  That is scanning old photos or negatives and doing professional.retouching to those treasures needing some modern love!  That’s right its a way to let you know that I’m still here and able to provide services that you may or may not have thought about on old family photographs and snapshots.  

So if you have uncovered some old treasure in the form of snapshots, old slides, B&W negatives or color (orange) negatives and need them professionally scanned I”m the solution you are looking for.  Plus if find any of them that need restoration, retouching, or cleaned up for reprints that is something I can help you with too.  Utilize my skills to make your treasures worth even more and share that restored scanned treasures with other family members or preserve it for future family members to enjoy!

Click the link below to reach out to me to let me know what you need done so I can provide you a quote!

I hope you are all staying safe and healthy!

